Heerak Christian Kim for the United States House of Representatives  in Virginia's 8th Congressional District

Election Day is November 3, 2026


Heerak works hard to save our communities and the nation.  

Heerak Christian Kim is an expert historian who has published many academic and expert research books to bring understanding and solutions to our society's problems and issues. Heerak has presented academic research on Jewish Studies, New Testament, Theology, African-American Studies, Toni Morrison, Literary Criticism, Film Criticism, Catholic Canon Law, Jewish Talmudic Law, Legal Theory, etc. at global academic conferences.  Heerak also has written works of poetry and fiction in the form of short stories, novels, and plays as a way to provide social critique and be the voice of the people. Heerak's books are available from Amazon.com and Barnes & Noble.


Heerak Christian Kim has been working on theoretical and evidence-based research (EBR) on saving urban public schools in the United States of America.  Heerak has presented many important academic papers on improving urban education at conferences such as the National Convocation of the International Honors Society in Education, Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) in Norwich, Virginia, in October, 2019.  Heerak worked hard as a board member of the Standing Committee on Global Citizenship with the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) from 2018 to 2024 working hard to improve multiculturalism, understanding for immigrants, and cultural diversity preservation within the United States of America.  You can read Heerak's blogs on global citizenship on http://www.ncte.org

Heerak received his Teacher Education at Virginia Union University, which is a Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).   Heerak graduated with a 4.0 cumulative GPA in the Master of Education (M.Ed.) program at the Universit of West Georgia in December, 2017. 


Heerak Christian Kim is a Registered Nurse (RN) in the District of Columbia and also holds a separate RN Multi-State license in the State of Virginia, which allows him to practice as a Registered Nurse (RN) in over 30 different states.  Heerak also is a Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) with a nationwide certification to be a horizontal leader using evidence-based research (EBR) to help improve delivery of healthcare services, coordinating across various healthcare disciplines. Heerak is also a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE).  In this Era of COVID-19 Global Pandemic, Heerak uses his expertise in healthcare and nursing to provide public health information and guidance through his daily, show, "COVID-19 Update by Heerak," which began on April 2, 2020.  You can see all of the episdoes on Heeark Christian Kim for Congress YouTube channel.


Heerak Christian Kim graduated from Georgetown University with a master's degree in Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) on August 24, 2020 and was inducted into Sigma Theta Tau International Honors Society in Nursing (Tau Chapter:  Gerogetown University).  As a Sigma nurse, Heerak has worked very hard to provide excellent nursing care at Virginia Hospital Center in Arlington, Virginia, George Washington University Hospital in Washington, DC, University of Virginia Medical Center, Fauquier Hospital in Warrenton, Virginia, Sentara Hospital in Hampton, Virginia, Select Speciality Hospital in San Diego, California, Presbyterian Rust Medical Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico, IUHealth Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana, University of Cincinnati Medical Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, University of Missouri Hospital in Columbus, Missouri, University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center in Towson, Maryland, University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Medical Center in Bel Air, Maryland, MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center in Rossville, Maryland, Johns Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and other top teaching and research hospitals in the United States of America, where he has worked as a Registered Nurse (RN).  You may have had Heerak as your nurse and understand how wonderful of a nurse Heerak is!


Heerak is an active nurse leader in the USA and has been leading professors of nursing in Virginia's colleges and universities as the President of the Virginia League for Nursing (VLN) in 2022-2023. Heerak continues to be very active in the healthcare field to improve healthcare at local, state, and national levels.

American Workers

Heerak Christian Kim has was an official 2018 Delegate to the National Convention of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, on behalf of The Washington Teachers' Union (AFT Local 6).  Heerak campaigned and was elected to this position by his fellow union members, who are licensed teachers in the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS).


Heerak has worked hard to advocate for the condition of workers in America, including teachers and nurses in the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) union in his nationwide union leaderr activities.


Heerak has also championed workers in our local communities and at the nationwide level by championing raising the minimum wage of all workers to above $15 per hour.


Heerak has worked hard to push for $2,000 Stimulus Checks for COVID-19 relief to help suffering American working families.


Heerak supports imposing Tariffs on foreign nations that are in economic competition with the United States of America as a way to help the working class Americans and union members who lose their jobs when their United States of America based company or manufacturing factory becomes bankrupted and foreign competition nations take USA labor worker jobs away to foregin countries and foreign factories, causing union workers in the United States of America to become unemployed, go under the poverty line, and even become homeless.


Heerak believes that it is in the United States of America's primary economic interest to protect union worker jobs against foreign competition countries that can result in the destruction of the American manufactoring sector, making the United States of America weak and dependent on foreign manufacturing, while our nation becomes weaker in global markets and our American workers become poor, unemployed, and homeless.


Heerak calls on all American labor unions to support imposing Tariffs on foreign competition nations as a way to protect American working class jobs against foreign competition countries that seek to steal American worker jobs as an economic competition strategy.

Community Building

Heerak Christian Kim has been active in building communities in and around Virginia 8th Congressional District in his various leadership roles.  Heerak has served as the Vice President of the University of Pennsylvania Alumni Association of Washington, DC, in the 2019-2020 term.  Heerak has also served UCLA Alumni Network of Washington, DC, in various Excecutive Board positions, including the Treasurer.  While at Georgetown University, Heerak served as the Vice President of Georgetown University Graduate Student Government (GradGov) from May 2019 to May 2020.  Heerak also served as the President of the Georgetown Collaborative Diplomacy Iniative (GCDI) from 2019 to 2020.  Heerak has also been active as the Co-Chair of the Program Committee for Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics (VCTM), encoruaging excellence in math education in Pre-K to 12th grade education as well as college/university programs.

Give back to the community today! Supporting Heeark Christian Kim for US Congress in Virginia's 8th District is a way to irmpvoe and help our community.

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